There is a common oversight in understanding one of the greatest benefits of using a "Web Ready" DVR security camera system. I have become aware of this misunderstanding from talking to dozens of people who are trying to get their web ready systems configured. A lot of people want to know why most of the newer DVR systems do not come with a monitor or they want to know how to connect their monitor or TV to the system.
When people are evaluating whether or not they should purchase a web ready system they immediately fantasize about sitting in an internet coffee shop somewhere half way around the world like Barcelona and being able to monitor what's happening at their workplace or in their home. It would be pretty cool to take your laptop pool side at a resort in a place like Zihuatanejo, Mexico (one of my favorite vacation destinations) and see if your warehouse is running smoothly. But they are missing a much more practical and convenient purpose of implementing a web ready DVR system.
The promise of web ready DVRs is that they can be viewed from ANY computer with an internet connection. What most people forget is that most of the computers that we come in contact with on a daily basis are within a few yards of us not half way around the globe.
Most businesses, and nowadays most homes, have routers installed that function has the gateway to the internet for all the internal computers. These routers do not have to send all the traffic out to the internet. They can send traffic to other internal devices connected to the router like when you send a document from a PC to a network printer.
The same is true for a web ready DVR with security cameras. The security cameras connect to the DVR. The DVR connects to the router. Then any internal computer with a browser and proper security clearance that is connected to the router can view live footage on the cameras and playback footage recorded on the DVR. It seems strange to most people at first. We can quite possibly be connecting to a device that is a foot away by going through a device that may be several rooms away.
By using a web ready DVR camera system you can leverage equipment that you already purchased and installed on your network. An additional monitor does not have to be used. That is why most web ready DVR systems do not come with a monitor. This is a very practical and cost saving reason to use a web ready DVR system.
Here is one more important tip for using a web ready DVR security system: always choose a seat at least 10 feet away from the pool, otherwise someone might make a splash and get your laptop soaked.
Security DVR Systems And Where To Use Them
For years now, the question of safety and security has loomed large, be it for home owners, business owners, restaurants, a concerned employer, banks etc. Everyone has tried and tested various tools to make their premises secure from burglars, criminals and murderers. A well-known name in this arena is the security DVR cameras and security DVR surveillance systems.
These are basically machines that monitor a particular area and alert a particular authority in case something out of the ordinary occurs, such as an intruder trying to enter a member only room/area. Today, a number of companies specialize in the production and sales of security DVR systems and security DVR cameras. These are available in various sizes and capacities to suit various needs. Some of the applications of a security DVR system and security DVR cameras are:
Home Surveillance
This is one of the most widespread applications of security DVR systems. Home security DVR systems have become extremely desirable these days due to the rising property crime rates. For this reason, security DVR cameras producers put in considerable amount of time and resources to make suitable security DVR systems for homes and they make it a point to heavily market them too. Perhaps this is why the home security DVR systems are expected to gain presence in more that 50% houses in the US alone.
Factory/Warehouse Surveillance
Most businesses face huge losses every year just because of factory/warehouses losses, which may include material loss due to wear and tear or theft that is a common practice. In order to prevent this from happening, a security DVR system plays a key role in identifying where the loss occurs and then planning out an effective way to do away with it. If it is an employee that is responsible for theft, then he can be simply dismissed from work. Thus such a system is very effective in such a case. Also, factory staff can be monitored here if they are being paid on hourly basis to see if they are actually working in that hour or just wasting time unproductively.
Restaurant Surveillance
This is also gaining widespread importance as surprisingly enough; the rate of people who eat and leave without paying is quite high. So in order to watch such people and catch them in time, a security dvr cameras system can be very useful. Another important use of this can be to keep a check on quality control. This way hygiene standard can be maintained, ingredient ratios can be checked and preparation/delivery time can be checked too.
Managerial Level Surveillance
Managers of bigger firms, with a large chain of command below them, can also make use of security DVR cameras and security DVR systems to keep a check on their employees while they work. These can be hidden in locations where the employee wouldn't suspect any monitoring device to be hidden so a true and fair analysis of their work can be done. It also helps managers who travel frequently as they can keep a check on their employees, thanks to the internet enabled security DVR systems and security DVR cameras.
Using A Security DVR for Maximum Protection
Installing monitoring devices is one way to ensure home or business assets are protected. This is often of great concern to home owners or business owners. One way to ensure all is safe is to add a security dvr. There are quite a few benefits to using one in an existing system. A few of those benefits is that recording does not occur without being tripped by motion. This capability is helpful for ensuring that there is not wasted storage. Also, there is more storage available since files can be created with various compression sizes. They also have several storage options like a memory card or a hard drive. People can also view video from any location. Access to a computer and a secure server make this possible. Most of these systems include the ability to password protect the footage. So, only someone with permission can see what is going on at a business or home.
With a digital recording system, footage can often be viewed from anywhere. It can be connected to a computer and sent over a secure network. Doing so will require installing the appropriate software.
Either home or business set-ups are compatible with the recorder. A home system with only one camera can use a DVR. On the other hand, it can work with systems using up to 16 cameras. Users can create passwords so that only authorized personnel have access to the video.
Some things set this method of information storage apart. One is that motion detection is used to determine whether recording is necessary. A person is not stuck with endless video of an inactive room.
Another reason to choose this new technology is that there are longer recording times available. Memory cards of various sizes are available. One could also use a hard drive on a computer to store the information. Also, one can choose from a variety of compression sizes to increase the available space.
Even though there are more devices being recorded, tapes do not need to be changed on a regular basis since this is not an analog system. In fact, tapes are not even used. There are several ways to store this digital information. It can be stored on a memory card or, for larger systems, footage can be recorded to a Unix-driven hard drive. If one chooses to use a hard drive rather than a memory card, there is even less of a chance of running out of space on a disk.
The arguments for using a DVR do not end there. It is easier to sort through video footage than with an analog system. Recording to a hard disk means that files can be accessed rather than having to wade through hours of video.
Existing images can be viewed from many different cameras all at once. Looking through them is also less difficult. The reason for this is that they are stored in a managed database.
It is vital to many business owners and homeowners to protect their valuables. Installing a security system with a security DVR can help alleviate some anxiety. There are several advantages to having a DVR in place. There is a longer recording time available. Recording only occurs if activity is detected. Footage can be viewed by anyone from anywhere. Password protection is also available.
Purchasing DVR Hidden Cameras As Part Of A DVR Security System For Residential And Business Use
There are a number of great reasons why the use of residential security cameras is so useful to the house owner for home security as a part of a dvr security system. These cameras allow an authorised person to monitor a distant property without the requirement to actually be present at the property. The hidden surveillance camera operated in stealth mode, unobserved by possible intruders. This provides for a elevated quality video surveillance to take place as intruders will go about their business without realising they are under observation. This is also beneficial as it raises the probability of the perpetrator being caught on scene, or valuable video evidence being provided.
Where the surveillance cameras are sited is really important and should have been decided during the pre-planning phases. Will your system require a pan-tilt function? There is little point deciding it will AFTER the system has been mounted. Finding one to suit your requirements should not be an issue as these surveillance cameras are available in a wide variety of types and sizes.
When setting up home dvr security systems, offer some deliberation to whether or not you want cameras, will door and window protection on it's own be satisfactory? I think that the use of residential outdoor security cameras provides a massive amount of home security protection to the residence of business and should not be overlooked. It is possible to purchase a four camera home video surveillance system for less than $500 and they are exceptionally straightforward to install, often within the ability of the competent DIYer.
In a future article I will be taking a look at at the DVR recording system itself, and how a low-priced system can be set up exceptionally simply. Protecting ones home or business is enormously important and the protection and piece of mind it provides should not be underestimated. But I would give some serious thought to utilizing at least one residential security camera in your home.
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